Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Starts

I wasn't sad to see 2010 fade into the night. I am glad. Sure, there were many, many good memories in 2010. But, I needed a fresh start. I needed to be able to wipe the slate clean and say "onwards and upwards". I am standing at the beginning of a new year, and it can be as great (or as bad) as I make it.

In order to make the most of this year I have written down my goals for the year. And now, for added accountability, I am sharing them here.

1.)Blog daily. I  have three blogs that I currently maintain, this one, Bye Bye Fat Girl, and Melissa I am going to update them daily

2.)I currently have two manuscripts that I am working on. Both of them will be completed and in front of publishers this year

3.) Reach my weight goal of 160 pounds

4.)Run a marathon

5.)Go back to school

6.)Grow my Beachbody Buisness

7.)Get certified to teach Turbo Kick and Hip Hop Hustle

8.)Expand my writing buisness

2011 is a blank canvas ready for me to make my own. How will you make 2011 yours?

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