T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
A stressed mother ran
Whilst washing a blouse.
The stockings still hung empty
The gifts all unwrapped
The only thing mom wanted
Was a long winter's nap
When out in the front room
There arose such a clatter
Mom ran from her room
To see what was the matter
And what to her tired eyes did appear
But one boy and one girl
And one peanut butter smear
What are you doing out of bed
The tired mom said
The little boy rubbed his eyes
Can't sleep he said
We are waiting for Santa
You said he was near
It is Christmas time yet
Is that sleighbells I hear.
Now, Aidan, Now Morgan
And sweet Noah too
Head back to bed,
There's lot left to do
Mom watched with tired eyes
As they walked out of the room
She winced as Aidan slammed
The door with a boom
She muttered to herself
As she walked out of sight
These darn gifts
Can wrap themselves tonight.
Merry Christmas!!
Passing The Baton
1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: changes I created Writer’s
Workshop after I started blogging in 2007 because while I was excited about
the idea ...
1 year ago
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