Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Me Monday

Not Me Monday! is a fun blog carnival started by MckMama. Join in by linking up on her blog and sharing your own Not Me Monday!

I did not get sick, again, and do nothing around the house for a week. I am more organized then that. I also did not get an abcessed tooth and take way more then the reccomended amount of pain medication and spend 2 days getting sick. I am also not putting off going to the dentist.

I did not decide at 5 am Black Friday that I needed to go to Wal-mart for three toys and a movie. I also did not decide to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon shopping until I was so exhausted, I could cry.

I did not get pulled over for speeding enroute to picking up my sister in law on Friday. I also did not admit to the cop that I had no idea why I was pulled over and no, I didn't see the speed limit sign. (I did, however, get off with just a warning)

My son did not announce in Wal-mart that I needed to pay for an item that had gotten lost under the car seat "So you don't get in trouble with the police again Mom!!" loudly, prompting, I am sure, the cashier to wonder if I had anything stuffed in the baby's diaper.

I did not spend the entire weekend shopping. I also don't have alot more shopping to do.

Not Me. I wouldn't spend money that way

A must read: "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young

I am an avid reader. I love to read, especially at night after the kids have all settled in and my husband is lost in World Of Warcraft. My reading tastes run from one extreme to the other, and Iwill often read the same thing several times.

One genre of books I don't tend to read are books with religous undertones. See, I have my beliefs. Things that I think about religion, about God or even if there is one and I don't like to have my beliefs challenged. I don't want to admit that over the years God and I have become strangers at best. So, I avoid those books.

Over Thanksgiving, I was telling my mom how bad I wanted a Kindle, that digital reader by Amazon, because then it would be so much easier to store my books and the kids wouldn't get to them. My mom is not much of a reader other than the occasional magazine.

She said "You like to read, right?" "Yep" I told her. She then told me she had a book she wanted me to read. It was "The Shack". She said that it was a good book, one that would make you laugh and cry...

So she lent it to me. I don't know why, but I felt that I had to read it.

I read it in three days.

I plan on reading it again.

I cannot really explain what the book is about without giving away the plot. But I can tell you this, it is a book that talks somewhat about God. It does not force religion on you. It does make you take a step back and look at your life, your beliefs, or in my case lack thereof.

You will cry. Alot. The book opens your eyes and makes you think. When you finish it, you are left with a feeling of wonder. After reading it, I felt different. While my beliefs were not challenged, it made me think. Think about redemption and forgiveness. Think about judgement.

It is a book that you must read if you are at a crossroads in life, or just need a pick up.

I needed that book. My mom, who doesn't read, says she felt like she had to read that book after reading a review.

This book is on the New York Bestsellers list...with a mere 200 hundred dollar advertising budget.

You can visit for the authors blog, more information or to purchase the book.

Read it.

It will change you.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Time off

Taking time off, from whatever it is that you do, is a good thing. I have such a hard time completely taking time off. Meaning that while I may not be writing articles or reviewing products or *shhh* working on my newest project, I am still mentally going over the things that I need to do. My husband often yells at me to stop it, because when we are out, I will say "when we get home we need to do A, B and C" and he is all "why cant you just enjoy your time with us?"

He has a point. Worrying about a deadline, or dirty laundry or dishes isn't going to get them done any faster. I need to take time off to recoup, regroup and re organize my thoughts. I am much more productive as a wife, mother and writer this way.

So this Thanksgiving weekend, I have taken time off from all of the "pressing" things that need to be done. Instead I went shopping and out to eat, spent time with a friend and tomorrow will be doing more shopping and then taking the kids to get their first real christmas tree ever.

Sure, I am planning my next weeks work when I have a few moments. But more oft then not I am finding myself spending those moments playing World Of Warcraft.

I am feeling more refreshed and I am sure, come Monday, I will be ready to hit the grounding running.

It's ok to take time off...

Try it...

You may like it!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Gift Idea for The College Boy or Soldier in Your Life: The Automated Man

How many times has this happened to you, you give your son, who is going off to college or moving out on his own for the first time, a credit card and remind him to use this card for "necessities only"? Only to get your statement the next month and see that the card was used for anything but necessities? Or your college aged son, nephew or grandson comes home for the holidays looking as if he just crawled out from underneath a bridge somewhere. When you ask him about his appearance, he tells you that he ran out of money 2 weeks ago, and couldn't buy more shampoo. (Your guess is as good as mine as to where he spent that money at).

The truth is, when our children head off to college or even just move out on their own for the first time, everything that you have taught them about personal hygiene seems to be forgotten.

This is where the Automated Man comes in. The automated man is essentially an auto ship program for all of your son's, nephew's or grandson's personal hygiene needs. For $39.99 a month your son will receive a toiletry kit filled with the essentials that he needs. From soap to shampoo, deodorant to toothpaste, you can make sure that your son is taking care of himself.

What is great about this service is it is affordable. Your first order is valued at $140.00 and each additional order is valued at $80.00. The cost to you is simply $39.99 (plus tax). By signing up with Automated Man, this ensures that your son at least has the products to take care of himself and ultimately saves you time and money (No more trips to the post office...Automated Man ships directly to your son!)

Here is what i liked the most about the Automated Man service, they can ship to the military. As everyone knows, soldiers are lacking the personal hygiene implements that they need, especially out in the field. By signing up with the Automated Man, you can make sure that each month, your soldier is receiving the products that he needs. This would especially be great for those of you that adopt a soldier. This is a great way to make sure that they have what they need, items that may be hard to come by once they leave base.

If your son runs out of an item early, you can simply log onto Automated Man and let them know. They will send it out right away. If it is close (within one week) to your normal ship time, they will send the entire shipment early.

You can visit The Automated Man website for more information. You can also reach them by calling their customer service line at 1-888-315-DUDE.

With the holidays just around the corner, this would be a great gift to give the college boy or soldier in your life.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Not Me Monday is fun blog carnival started by MckMama. Feel free to join in and link up here.

I most certainly have not been sick going on 2 weeks now and have not been not taking care of myself by avoiding going to the doctor.

My cough is not so bad, I sound like I have spent 50 years smoking

I also have not had a tooth ache for nearly a week that has not now turned into swelling. I am not putting off going to the dentist because A.) I hate dentist and B.) Need a ton of dental work done

Due to me not being sick, my house does not look like it has not been cleaned in weeks

I did not wash the same load of laundry 3 times because I did not forget to take it out of the wash, three days in a row.

My three old son most certainly did not announce to the world, on camera that he farted during my T.V interview last week. And I was not most relieved that it was edited out. And I was not secretly impressed at how well I did.

Nope! Not Me!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why 3 year olds and T.V news cameras don't mix

Sitting in line to pick up Damien from school today, I noticed a local tv news crew filming. "Cool" I thought. Then " I hope the don't interview me." I am a shy creature. Plus, I am sick and look like crap. Lo and behold, she asked to interview me. Because I have such a hard time saying no, I agreed. Hoped that I didn't look too bad and answered all her questions.

Things were going smoothly. Then it happened.

"Mommy?" I ignored the voice coming from the back seat.

"Moooommmmmyyyyy?" I still focused on the news reporter, ignoring Aidan. Which was about to become a mistake of epic proportions.

"MOMMMYYYYY!!!!" I turned to look at him

"I farted"

Yes, the camera was still rolling. Yes it was pointed at his face. And yes he just announced to the world that he farted.

As I tried to hide my embarassment, I thanked the good Lord that this interview was not live and that the people at the editing booth had ample time to edit it out.

An hour later, my 3 year old is still living it up. He thinks it is the funniest thing ever that he said he farted on camera.

Yea, really funny Aidan.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Totally Random Tuesday: No Bella, Just Edward

Sunday we were at Toys R Us looking for Christmas gifts for the kiddos. As we walked in the front doors of the store, there was a huge Twilight Display. My husband rolled his eyes. He knows I have a thing for Edward (and no I will never call him Robert, his real name, he will forever and always be Edward okay?) And then I see it. In all its glory. An Edward Cullen Barbie Doll. My mom always buys me a barbie for Christmas. It has been our tradition since I was 13. So I do the logical thing, I call her...and our conversation goes something like this.

Me: "Mom?"

Mom: "Yeah, you know I just woke up right?"

Me:" Yes, but I have something uberly important to tell you?"

Mom: "Uberly? Is that a new word?"

Me: "Just listen, I am at Toys R Us okay?"

Mom: "Tell me that is not your uberly important news?"

Me: "No,But I found the christmas gift you can buy me!"

Mom: "Buy you? How old are you Melissa?"

Me: " You know how every year you buy me whatever Holiday Barbie is out? Well this year, I want Edward."

Mom:" Edward? Who the hell is Edward?"

At this point I realize just how "uncool" my mom is

Me: "Edward. Edward Cullen. From Twilight. Tell me you have heard of Twilight"

Mom: "Nope"

Me: "OMG, how could you not know who Edward is?"

Mom: " Because I have a life. Which by the way I need to live, what is it that you want?"

Me: "I want you to buy me this doll for Christmas."

Mom: " and you are how old Melissa?"

Me: " But not Bella...Just Edward. I don't want Bella"

Mom: " Again, I ask How old are you?"

Me: "I am serious. I don't want Bella, she so doesnt deserve Edward mom."

Mom:"....ummm okay, well is that all you wanted"

Me: "Yep. Remember, Edward ONLY"

Mom: " Sure. Bye"

My mom thinks I am insane.

Wonder if Santa will understand...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bronchitis and Bus Strikes

It's is nearly 9am here and I am just now sitting down to indulge in a cup of coffee, read emails, and get some work done. On a typical day, I would have been atleast 2 hours into my work day...but alas not today.

I have been surrounding by 4 coughing, sneezing and snotty kids for days now. My throat started hurting a few days ago. Shortly after that my nose was inoperable. Then it happened, as it does every moved to my chest and turned into bronchitis. And it hurts. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to cough. It feels like there is a ten ton elephant sitting on my chest. And to top it all off, I cannot yell at the kids...which they are taking full advantage of.

This morning, I checked my email. And to my (not really) surprise...bus drivers are on strike in our school district and there would be no bus service. Why are they striking? Because they want to be paid in the summer, when they do not work. My opinion...they should be happy to even have a job. I get that it is a hard job and they do deserve to be treated with respect. But to strike because they want to get paid for not working? They should be happy to have a job, when so many people are out of work right now. But it is what it is. Of course, it throws off my entire morning...but we will adapt.

Loading 4 kids into the car, 3 of which are still sick, not fun.

Hoping this doesn't last too long.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Just In Time For Holiday Shopping: Free Online Coupon Deals, Discounts and Codes

With the economy being what it is these days, everyone could use a little help when it comes to shopping, especially with the holidays just around the corner. From coupons for free shipping to Lane Bryant Coupons , you can find a coupon or discount for just about anything at

Featured on CNN Money, has deals from many popular retailers. You can save 20% off your purchase at Bloomingdales, 15 to 20% off Ghirardelli Chocolates or 15% off all orders over $100.00 at Kohls.

You can also find coupons for Best Buy, Home Depot, Sears and M &M's.

You can find coupon codes for just about any store that you would shop at this holiday season. is definitely a must stop location when it comes to doing your Christmas shopping this year.

The site is extremely easy to navigate, and if you don't immediately see a store you are looking for, you can type the store into the search box and it will locate the store deals for you. There are multiple deals for many of the stores. You can also sign up for their emails, so that way yo never miss a great deal again.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Noah got his shots today

For the past few months I have tried to silence the nagging in the nether regions of my brain reguarding Noah. He was an early baby and a small baby. And nearly everyone we encountered over the last few months swore that Noah would have developmental delays because of this. And while I like to consider myself a seasoned mom, hey having 4 kids makes me seasoned, right, I was still starting to worry. What would I do? How would we deal with a developmentally delayed baby?

Noah, thankfully, has been oblivious to my worrying. Chugging right along. Hitting milestones. Being a happy baby.

Today we hauled the clan into the doctors office, which I might add, takes alot of planning. I managed to get an early appointment, before nap, which met that the kids were in a better mood. (Not that it helped their behaviors at all)

I love my dr's office. I love all the nurses and the drs there. I knew that they would tell it to me straight if there was an issue with Noah.

Nurse came in...Noah weighs 13pds 40z and is just bit over 24 inches tall...2feet already and a foot away from being able to ride the kiddie rides at the fair...

Next the doctor comes in. I prepare to hear the worse. He asks me how Noah is doing. I proudly tell him about all of Noah's accomplishments..

"He holds his bottle, sorta, rolls over, pushes up on his knees, babbles a storm and laughs" "Good" "Oh yea, he also rolls all over the room"

The dr looked at me..."You mean, he rolls from front to back as well?"

"yes" ummm....isn't this supposed to happen, I think.

"Well it looks like Noah is an overachiever, he is ahead of schedule."

Ahead? My little baby that I just knew was going to have issues....ahead?

I was a proud mamma at the moment...I was thrilled to hear that Noah was doing great. On track (and a little ahead). proud mamma moment didn't last...

As I quietly snuck to the corner as the nurse prepared to vaccinate my son I thought to myself....

I am such a wimp.

I. Don't. Do.Needles. Ever.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is the T.V destroyed.

Yesterday, while sitting at the desk, planning out my workload for the coming month (I feel so good that I did that) I hear a crash. I think nothing of it. I do have toddlers you know. Then the sound of tears. But not the OMG I AM HURT tears. At that time, my husband calls and Aidan comes up stairs crying. He's mumbling something. "Mommy is on the phone, go back downstairs and play with your sister" and away he goes...never letting on that anything is wrong.

I am chatting with my husband who is telling me his work schedule for Thanksgiving weekend (Yes, I am happy) when Damien comes home. "Run downstairs and check on them would ya?" And away he goes...



So I run downstairs, only then remembering I haven't seen nor heard Morgan...and then Aidan's recent tear filled eyes.

My husband is saying there is no way they could have done it. I am thinking You don't know your kids Buddy

Sure enough, the big 5 drawer dresser is tipped over, its contents spewed across the floor. "Where's Morgan!?!"

I am looking around frantically...

I find her, behind the dresser, thankfully ok and butt naked....

The first question my husband asks....

"Is the T.V destroyed?"

Yes your kids are o.k

(And yes the T.V was fine, this happend in Morgan's room...the room without the T.V)

So how do 2 toddlers manage to tip over a semi-full, large 5 drawer dresser one might ask?

It's simple....

Aidan scales the smaller dresser beside it, climbs to the top of the larger one, stands up and then uses his weight to tip the dresser over

That is he was crying....

So, I am headed to Lowes at some point and getting hardware to bolt the dresser to the wall...

Or wrapping the kids in bubble wrap

Monday, November 2, 2009

What is that smell...

So many of life's defining memories are often triggered by a smell or a certain scent. Like the time I played quarters with Southern this day that smell makes me gag.

It doesn't have to be that drastic...but you get my drift.

Twittermoms and Downy recently asked us "What scent defines you?" and my first response was "Baby spit up and formula!" But I don't think that counts...does it? I mean it does define who I am...a mom of 4 children, one of them a baby. So I decided to pick something a little more pleasant, I mean no one wants to spend their day smelling like they?

So, I thought long and hard about this. So many different scents define me, I think. But if I had to pick just one it would be the "Appletini" body spray from Victorias Secret.

Why? Well, its a fun and somewhat silly scent. It is not traditional. It marches to a beat of a different perfume drum. It is not an overpowering smell. And it compliments me nicely!

I am all of these things. I am fun. I am silly. I am so far from traditional. I don't follow a crowd and am not overbearing.

It defines me because I am different and proud to be different.

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