Well about a month and a half ago we had to decide what expenses were important so my internet went bye bye...but now I am back with a lot of news
During that time, the bottom dropped out at home, so to speak. As many of you know, I was pregnantwith my fourth and final child. During the last few weeks of my pregnancy, my health began to deteriorate. I was slowly developing pre-ecclapmsia, a potentially life threatnening illness. I had the best doctors around and the monitored me very closely. At 32 weeks, I was put on STRICT bedrest at home. At 33 weeks I began to have contractions. At that point it was a very real possiblity that the baby would be born premature. At 35 weeks, I was sent to the hospital after a non stress test showed that the baby was not responsive. It was there that we began to realize just how serious everything was.
It was reveled during the ultrasound at the hospital that the baby was suffering from IUGR or Interuterine Growth Restriction...meaning he was not growning as fast as he should. At that point the doctor decided that we would wait a week, re-evaluate and then see what our course of action would be.
At 36 weeks, I was admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay. I had developed pre-ecclapmsia and while the baby looked ok, I was not doing well.
At 37 weeks exactly it was decided that the baby had to come out...a.s.a.p
Monday June 29th 2009 started like any other day for me. I had an early morning drs appointment for another non stress test and then had plans to spend the day with the family. At this point, my scheduled c-section was 2 weeks out and I thought that I would be able to make it to that point.
My doctors appoint was eventful...I had posted a weight gain of over 4 pounds in 2 days, my blood pressure was dangerously high and I was begining to have swelling in my fingers. As I was led down the hall to do my non stress test, I had a bad feeling that things were about to go into overdrive.
As I was sitting in the room, hooked up to the machines that monitor heart rate and movement, I felt sick. Something was not right. The baby's heart rate was alot lower then normal and no movements were being detected. After 30 minutes the nurse told me I could go home and the doc would call me.
I was still in the parking lot when my cell phone rang...I remember looking at the clock...it was 11:00 am on the nose..." The baby needs to come out now...You have 30 minutes to get home, get your family, and get to the hospital for a noon surgery..."
I raced home, made the phone calls along the way and prayed like I had never prayed before. All I wanted was for my baby to be healthy and ok.
I got to the hospital, got prepped for surgery and was wheeled away to the OR. Surgery started at 12:20pm. I tried not to think to much about what was going on, instead I focused on not puking on the OR floor.
Then I felt the all to familar tugging and pulling...then silence. Everyone in the room just stopped. Then in a matter of seconds, I heard it...the most wonderfully sweet sounding sound ever...a baby crying...loudly!!!
Noah Lee Austin was born at 12:45pm weighing in at a mere 5pds 150z and 19 inches long. He had stopped growing and I was told that if we had waited, he wouldnt be here today.
Noah got a clean bill of health from the peditrician and now, despite being colicky and a bit high needs, he is doing great. And to tell the truth, I dont mind sitting up with him all night...because I know how close we came to having a different outcome....
And now it is with great pride I introduce you to my lil heartbreaker..Noah Lee!!!