Monday, January 24, 2011

Microsoft Office - Sponsored Post

Microsoft Office - Sponsored Post
Get a free trial of Office 2010! All you have to do is Like it >

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We've Moved

Hi All, Crayons In My Dryer has moved to their own URL at

See Ya there!!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some Tidbits

It's Tuesday, which means I get to be random. Ah, who am I kidding, I am random every day!

I used to designate Tuesdays as "This and That" Tuesdays on my blog. Then life kinda got in the way and it fell to the wayside. But, I am back in all my random glory.

The Kids:Is it spring yet? We have the worst case of cabin fever around these parts. We get out when we can, but the bitter cold is brutal to say the least. They are climbing the walls. I am climbing the walls and the dog is chewing everything up. Aidan starts kindergarten in August. I am sad. Because then next year Morgan follows, then 2 years after that Noah follows. Then I will actually have the house all to myself. But, I am still sad. They are growing up too damn fast.

Life:Life is moving at record pace it seems. Things are always changing. Which I guess could be a good thing. But, as I said yesterday, I don't like change. But, unless I want to get left behind, I probably should adapt. I have been updating my blog, Bye, Bye Fat Girl. If you haven't checked it out you should. If you feel so inclined, please follow and share with anyone that you know that may be struggling with their weight and eating.

There are some things coming up that I am pretty excited about. One being the completion of my manuscript. After my rejection letter I decided to completely re-write the whole thing. It is totally different then the original version. (And better too!) I am committed to seeing this thing published this year. There is also my non fiction book that I need to get going on.

I am still plugging away working from home. I am slowly learning to balance my time a little better. I have my to-do list written out, accountability boards,things like that. It's nice to stay orgainized. I am learning that being your own boss, while fullfilling, is hard as all hell.

Well, that is it for now. I am off to play World Of Warcraft  get some work done (I will not play WoW, I will not play WoW) and settle in to watch another episode of The Biggest Loser

Have a Great Night!!

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Monday, January 10, 2011

I don't like change

When it comes to changes, I am as stubborn as a mule. I don't like it. I know, I know, change is an inevitable part of life. But, it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Steve is changing jobs. Well, sorta. He's taking a position at Sam's Club, about 30 minutes or so away. This change is good on many different levels. There is a pay increase. He has more of an opportunity to advance within the company (at the Wal-mart he is at now, he hasn't been given a chance to advance beyond where he is now). But, there are some things that I don't like all that much.

We only have one car right now. So,until that changes, (who knows when that will happen) I will be stuck here at home. And while it isn't too different then the way things are now, Steve is that much further away, so driving him to or from work so I can use the car isn't feasible. And while he isn't working 12 hour days, he is now down to only 2 days off a week and his hours still don't leave much flexibility for me.I don't do much. But, I still like to have somewhat of a life.

Then there is this whole meeting he has to go to for 3 days in March. Out of state.

I don't like change. Even if it is good change. I know that this change has to happen. Steve deserves it. Our family deserves it.

But it doesn't mean i have to like it.,

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Grandfather's Love

My grandpa passed away a little over  6 years ago now. And, I miss him dearly. I think that is why I am so thrilled that my dad is an active part of my kid's lives. My dad is the kind of grandpa that my grandfather (his dad) was. He is strong and kind. He loves with his whole heart. Unfortunately, my dad is not one to be photographed often so, I haven't gotten a chance to have pictures with the kids...until this Christmas.

Papa and the kids
I absoultely LOVE this picture. I am going to get it printed out and framed. Noah has been timid around my dad for some time, so I was happy when I snapped this next picture.

Noah loving his Papa

Noah finally decided that he loved his papa and was glued to him for most of the time we were there at Christmas.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Starts

I wasn't sad to see 2010 fade into the night. I am glad. Sure, there were many, many good memories in 2010. But, I needed a fresh start. I needed to be able to wipe the slate clean and say "onwards and upwards". I am standing at the beginning of a new year, and it can be as great (or as bad) as I make it.

In order to make the most of this year I have written down my goals for the year. And now, for added accountability, I am sharing them here.

1.)Blog daily. I  have three blogs that I currently maintain, this one, Bye Bye Fat Girl, and Melissa I am going to update them daily

2.)I currently have two manuscripts that I am working on. Both of them will be completed and in front of publishers this year

3.) Reach my weight goal of 160 pounds

4.)Run a marathon

5.)Go back to school

6.)Grow my Beachbody Buisness

7.)Get certified to teach Turbo Kick and Hip Hop Hustle

8.)Expand my writing buisness

2011 is a blank canvas ready for me to make my own. How will you make 2011 yours?

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