Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tips for dealing with the Terrible Twos

Every mother dreads it. Every day they watch their sweet, innocent baby morph into this...this...monster....

Ok, not really a monster, but you get my drift. As a mother we have to deal with the terrible twos at some point. For a lucky few, they are mild and seem to go right by...

But for most of us, they actually start BEFORE 2 and last well after 2 is gone as well.

So how do we deal with this seemingly endless phase without having to call the men in the white jackets?

Well, as a mother of 3 with one on the way, with one of those being 2 and half and the other one being 1 and a half, let me tell you what has (and hasn't) worked for me...

What has worked:

1.)Re-direction. I shrudder at the thought of letting my wild 2 year old color, every wall in our *rented* townhome has at some point, become colored with the many colors of Crayola. No, the color wonder stuff doesn't appease him as he cannot see his artwork. However, after the one millioneth time I had to tell him to "get off the back of the couch and stop playing in the sink" I realized that coloring was my saving grace. Invest in Crayola Washable Crayons tons of paper and let them go. He still occasionally colors on the walls, but I have discovered that in the midst of being bad, redirecting him with something he likes (no matter how much I dislike it) will save my ever fleeting sanity.

2.) Stick to your guns! I am so guilty of not following this rule. See, I have this massive soft and gooey,get all warm and fuzzy spot for my kids in my heart. So when they are being monsters, I find myself laughing instead of disciplining (*Note to self: Its not that funny when YOU have to clean up the corn that he threw at daddy, now is it?) I cannot get mad...but who says you have to? If your child is doing something wrong, or getting into something they know they shouldnt, when you put them in time out, LEAVE them there. Ignore the smiles and the "I sawry mamma's" Show them you mean business.

3.)An over tired or over stimulated toddler is just a disaster waiting to happen. If you notice that your toddler is starting to show signs of a meltdown (for me the warning is always him doing something really wrong that he knows he shouldnt be doing or throwing massive fits) remove them from the situation they are in. Either put them down for nap, go for a drive in the car or pop in a DVD or watch some cartoons (Spongebob is a lifesaver here) this will allow them to decompress and keep you from blowing your top

Now, what doesn't work:

1.)Saying "Please dont do that" that just nets me this look of "whatever mom"
2.)Laughing: It is only funny until YOU have to clean up whatever mess he made
3.)Ignoring it: Some things you can ignore, but the sound of running water...not so much...usually ignoring leads to a bigger mess ( and bigger tantrums for both of you) in the end

Monday, March 30, 2009

$1.00 is all it takes to make a difference...

Imagine this: You are sitting in the doctor's office as the doctor walks in with a grim look on his face. You are not expecting the news he is about to give you.
That mole you had biopsied last week...it's skin cancer and must be treated immediately

Now imagine this, after the inital shock wears off, you realize you lack adequate health care coverage to get this taken care of effectively or efficiently.

That is where The Barefoot Sisterhood comes in.

Every dollar that they take in is used to help mom's who are faced with this exact same situation.

Could you spare a dollar?

From now until april 10th, we are running a fundraiser for The Barefoot Sisterhood. All you have to do is buy a raffle ticket and you are entered to win a Votre Vu Skin Care basket valued at $100.00

Raffle tickets are: $1.00 for 1
$5.00 for 6
or $20.00 for 30

All it takes is $1.00 to help save another mother who is faced with one of the hardest battles she ever has to face.

Paypal all donations to jwlrymama08@yahoo.com

Please put Barefoot Sisterhood in the subject

Please visit The Barefoot Sisterhood to see how you can help

New Candles From The Kountry Store

The Kountry Store is proud to announce the arrival of 8 new candles.

Each of these candles is made of a soy wax blend for cleaning burning and great smelling candles

Each candle is $14.95 or you can get 2 for $25.00

The Scents are as follows:
~Lavendar Jasmine
~Peppermint Gardenia
~Ylang Rosemary

~Pina Colada Delight
~Tranqulity Delight
~Sweet Pea Delight
~Ocean Mist Delight
~Mystic Mango Delight

Heaven Forbid...The President Actually makes a CEO accountable???

I turn on the news this morning as I am readying myself for the onslaught of the day, headache that has been plauging me for 3 days still lingering as I run through my to-do list in my head. I only half-heartedly listen, my eyes peeled for the promised up coming forecast (am I going to be able to release these demons running through my house out doors anytime soon Mr. Weather Man?) when a news story catches my eyes...well ears.

At the request of President Obama, the CEO of GM has resigned. As a former GM carsales person (yes I used to sell cars) I am always quite interested in the way the auto industry is going. (Yes part of me is still looking for justification for walking away from my job as gas prices went over 4 bucks and sales plummeted last summer).

While the current poll that my local news station is doing sits at 58% that agree with the President, there is still a loud outcry from people that don't.

Alot of people seem to think that the President has overstepped his boundries...and even though you didn't ask for it, I am going to give you my opinion.

To those of you that think that he should not have made that request, let me ask you this...when AIG recieved the millions (or billions...the numbers are all a blur now) in federal bailout money and then procceeded to continue to act irresponsible, were you not upset? I mean the outcry was that the company needed to be held accountable for it's actions right??? The american taxpayer was outraged and demanded that the White House do something....

GM has been given millions in taxpayer money as a bailout. GM is not a viable company as it stands right now. Just last week, GM let 7500 hourly employees go. The sales and stock of GM, along with all major auto manufactures, continue to plummett. Some say, "Mr. President, if a company is going to perform poorly, then let it do so and then let it fail" I say to you..not with my tax dollars.

If a company is going to ask for a bailout, then they darn best better be held accountable. The government gave GM the money with the stipulation that they restructre immediately. Speculation has swirled for months about the effectiveness of GM's CEO. He has failed to make even a small turn around in the way GM is ran. If the government were to stand back and watch this company fail...what would the long term ramifications be for the american people? If GM falls, will the other auto makers be far behind?

My take on this mess is this...it is time for the Big Wigs at the top of the corperate ladders to take accountability. It is time to stop passing the buck.

*the above blog is my opinion only. It no way relflects the views or opinions of my readers, or any company that I promote on this blog.*

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Votre Vu Self Preservation SPF 30 Sunblock

Rich in natural plant extracts and loaded with essential oils, this full coverage sun block will protect you from the harmful UVA/UVB rays that are responsible for sun damage to your precious skin. A sensational blend of superlative ingredients will shield you in cool and silky comfort without irritation to your body or sensitive complexion. Their benefits include anti-inflammation, healing, excess sebum absorption and protection, as well as fortifying and highly moisturizing qualities. Feel confident while covered by your special solar security guard, on duty for your self-preservation. Highly water-resistant.

Check out my website for details on how you can purchase this wonderful product

Also be sure to check out the raffle details for The Barefoot Sisterhood, this is one of the products that will be in the basket

Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Can Win a Votre Vu Skin Care Basket

Over the past few weeks, I have gotten the pleasure of getting to know a fellow mom thru another social networking site. As I have gotten to know her, I have read her heartbreaking and heartwarming story on her battle and subsequent victory with skin cancer. Twice.

She is someone whom inspires me, because as a mom, as a woman she overcame so much when the odds were stacked against her.

Thru her battle, she has become an advocate for prevention of skin cancer. Every journal she posts, weather about that subject or not, is full of love, hope, and happiness.

You can read about her and her organization, The BareFoot SisterHood at www.barefootsisterhood.com

In an effort to draw awarness to not only her organization, but also to skin cancer and skin cancer prevention and treatment, I am pleased to announce my first Votre Vu Skin Care Fundraiser

100% of the proceeds from this raffle will be donated to The BareFoot Sisterhood to help them in their cause to help other mothers with skin cancer

1 ticket is $1.00
6 tickets for $5.00
30 tickets for $20.00

The prize for this raffle is a gift bag filled with full sized Votre Vu products valued at $100.00 or more

You can paypal me at jwlrymama08@yahoo.com
Be sure to put Votre Vu Raffle in the subject so I know it is for this.

Together, we all can help put an end to Skin Cancer!!!


This raffle will end April 10th 2009 at midnight.

Thank you for reading

How Can Votre Vu help fight the dangers of Skin Cancer?

Being as summer time is fast approaching and many of us will be venturing out, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about Skin Cancer and how Votre Vu can help fight the dangers.

It is no secret, before going out (yes even when the sun is minimal) you should put on sun screen. Every time you go out, even with minimal sun exposure, without sun screen, you are increasing your risk of getting this often deadly disease.

How can Votre Vu help combat the dangers of Skin Cancer? Our Luxe Hand Creme and Moisturizers contain a filter to help protect you against the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun

Used in conjunction with Sun Screen, it is a powerful combination

The best thing about using Votre Vu in addition to your sun screen, is that the Luxe Hand Creme has an almond scent to it, so you can get protection from the sun and still smell good too :-)

Be sure to check out all of Votre Vu's products to see which one may work for you

And as always, be sure to email me for your free sample!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Because I said so....

"Because I said so" I yell down the stairs as my 6 year demands to know why he has to pick up his room when his little brother messed it up.

I find myself saying that ALOT....my 6 year old it seems has decided that he must challenge anything and everything I say. So, I have resorted to the age old adage "Because I said so..."

When I was growing up my mom said that all the time. As I got older I realized that my mom only said it because she couldn't come up with a justifiable reason for why I could or could not do something. Which in turn made me more defiant. My mom told me one day I would grow up and have kids of my own and...you guessed it...put the "mother's curse" on me...she destined me to have children that would be worse then me...

Years later I look back at all those times my mom said "Because I said so" and then compare myself to her. Is "because I said so" really a valid reason for making my son pick up a mess that a 2 yr old made? (I DID make the 2 year old pick it up as well...but we all know how 2 yr old and messes relate....*sigh*)

I start to doubt my parenting skills and wonder if my mom was right. Then I catch my 6 year old attempting to slide down the stairs on a flattened box....

Do I tell him the undeniable dangers of doing that? IE:Broken bones, Cuts, stitches, a trip to the ER?

Naw. When he questions Why mom...I simply say

Because I said so and send him back downstairs to clean up the legos that his brother just dumped out

Wordless Wednsday

Some days you just gotta cry!!!

Get this bracelet for just $6.00

This bracelet is made of blue glass and seed beads. Its a double strand, stretch bracelet. You can get this bracelet for just $6.oo including shipping.

Email me or comment for details

I have a friend in need....

.I am posting this to try to help my friend Bonnie's son-in-law...Can you help him find a liver?...

Hello Springtime to everyone,
It has been so nice to meet all of you and I hope to be able to help support your business in any way I can. Everyone has been so very helpful and I am so grateful for the invitation of Julie Booze. I have a request. You do NOT have to do this. It is only voluntary. My middle daughter's husband, Stephen, age 30 is going to pass away if we do not find a liver soon. He was born with Primary Sclerosing Colangitis. He was adopted so we do not know anything about his family. He has two girls ages 7 1/2 & 6.
His symptoms began when he was 17 {itching},but no way did anyone think it was tied to a binary duct disease or anything to do with the liver. It took 3 years to get him on the transplant list. His meld score is 23 and 40 is where you get a liver. This score can change daily according to the current condition. My request is that if you know of any prayer chains or groups would you please add him to the list? Please. His name is Stephen Schendel. The family moved in with us 3 years ago as he can no longer work until a year or 2 after the transplant. He can hardly walk now and his diet is VERY restricted. He has lost 50 lbs. since Christmas Eve. He is 6' 3" and very thin now.
Enough for now. I am going to put a picture of him on my page. He is in my slide show holding one of our twin grandsons that is blonde. He has a red shirt on. Thank-you so much for hearing me out.
Bonnie Stevens

Weekly Special from The Kountry Store


Dizzy dots decorate the "shell" of a sunny yellow ceramic egg for a playful reminder of the Easter season! Snuggled beneath the removable lid, a creamy candle in a scrumptious jellybean scent casts a festive glow. Once emptied, the ceramic holder doubles as a treasure box! Ceramic with palm-wax candle. 3 1/8" x 3 1/4" x 4" high. $9.95

Please email me to find out how you can purchase this item today

Weekly Special: Votre Vu

This weeks special from Votre Vu is:

Cheveux Heureux Mender De Cheveux
"Happy Hair Strengthening Serum"

Presenting an exciting collection of "Rescue Heroes" for the over pre-k crowd. Cheveux (Hair) Heureux (pronounced "Hero" and meaning "Happy") is a long awaited champion for happy hair. We have taken out many of the villains that prey upon your hair and scalp condition, and have imported a whole team of superheroes to protect and defend your lovely locks. "To hydrate, restore, balance and protect" is their motto. A boost in volume and shine is just part of the recovery team's efforts. This hair strengthening sérum is like wearing a swim cap out in the sun, without the silly plastic flowers on top or the unflattering 'cap head' you receive after. Loaded with powerful sunscreens, your happy hair is fully protected from the dangers of the elements. Sun, wind, arid dry days, overtly humid conditions-- your hair is shielded from these challenges to the modern 'do'.

Filled with botanicals, this heat-activated style sérum was developed using advanced strengthening and anti-breakage technology to dramatically improve the hair's strength, body and overall health. With this super babysitter for your coif, no ambush makeover is needed here. Have a Good Hair Day.

Please click here for more information on how you can order this wonderful product from Votre Vu today!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Working from home....Effectively!!!

If you are like me, then you find yourself struggling day in and day out to find a way to make your day working from home more effective.

I have 3 children, one of whom is school aged (although at the time of posting he is currently on spring break) and the other two are ages 2 and 19 months. Finding time within my day to effectively promote and run my business is a task in and of itself. I have found myself sitting down at the computer to work only to find my mind bogged down with the endless to-do list of household chores that need to be done...you know...laundry, dishes, attempting to rescue one of the kids from the other...that sort of thing.

So I become sidetracked...and then fustrated. Why is it that tons of people all over the WORLD can work from home and succeed, but here I am staring at a blank computer screen because I cannot effectively put up a seperation from Work and Home?

Then one day, as I tried yet again to get the current weeks specials done while wrangling kitchen utensils from the 2 year old...a saying that my former boss used to impound on our brains daily, popped into my head...


I was not succeeding in working from home because I was going at it,while well meaning, haphazardly. I was setting myself up to fail before I even got a chance to start!

Here are the tips and tricks that i set for myself in the hopes that I can get myself back on track:

1.) Make a schedule and stick to it. When I was working for someone else and punching a time clock, not sticking to a schedule would surely lead to discipline or even termination...why should the same set of rules NOT apply to me now?

2.) Plan out your day's work. Nothing is more annoying then sitting down, prepared to work and then realizing that I had no clue on where to begin...

3.) Set clear and attainable goals. We all want to be millionaire. But face it, to make a success out of your business, weather online or in a "brick and motar" store, clear and attainable goals need to be set.

4.) Reward yourself for reaching those goals. Make it a point to recognize that you did a great job reaching your goals. Positive reinforcement is not for the birds...

To Your Success!!!!
Melissa Austin

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby Product Reccomendation:

I am a mom of 3, with a new one on the way in just a few (4 actually) months. After using my swing for my last 2 pregnancies, I wanted to buy a new one for this baby. Especially because safety guidelines change so much from day to day.

After much debating, I settled on this one:

Graco Grove Park Lovin' Hug Infant Swing

Its available at Target for just $99.99

I love this swing!!! I cannot wait to use it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

For a limited time: Recieve a Customized Skin Care Sample Pack for free

Everyone has different types of skin. What works for one person may not work so well for the next. For a limited time I am offering a Customized Skin Care sample pack for free.

By requesting this product, it will allow you to sample some of Votre Vu's finest products designed especially for your skin type. No need to guess if the product will work for you!

Simply email me your mailing information and skin type (if you do not know it, I will help you discover what Votre Vu sample pack will work for you) and your sample pack will be in the mail.

Votre Vu has products for every skin type. Email me today to get yours!!!

Melissa Austin

Looking for a few good people!!!

As many of you know, I am an independant skin care consultant with Votre Vu. Votre Vu offers a wonderful line of skin care products that will make your skin softer and healthier, without the hefty price tag.

Votre Vu's products used to only be found in french spa's, boutiques and salons. Now you can get in on a ground floor, ground breaking oppurtunity!!!

For just $99.00 you can join Votre Vu. With Votre Vu you will get access to the lowest prices, a great income potential, and wonderful products.

For anyone who joins with Votre Vu before the end of this month you will recieve a free Votre Vu gift bag filled with great products from Me.

Please check out www.votrevu.com/melissaaustin today to see how you can own a piece of skin care history

Handmade Thank You Cards, Set of 8

Set of 8 (2 of each design) handmade thank you cards. Each card is made with Vellum, Cardstock,Paper and Ribbon. They have a blank inside so you can write your own sentiments on the inside

Priced at $8.00 including shipping

Email me today!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Product Review: Votre Vu Duette Hand Cream and Lip Balm

What a dynamic duo! Deeply moisturizing lip balm and decadently rich hand crème in one package.

Luxe Lips

This nourishing lip balm made from coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax gently protects, nourishes and softens lips in every condition. A deliciously light and natural coconut flavor delivers a guiltless treat to your mouth with every application. Intensively nourishing, your lips will become supple and shiny again. This formula is worth its weight in gold! Topped with UV filters to add extra protection to your luxe lips, you can indulge in dessert as often as you wish.

Luxe Hand Crème

This intoxicating hand crème leaves a soft veil of almond and coconut fragrance lingering on the skin. Beautifully absorbed, this special formula was developed to maintain the health, beauty and suppleness of your hands, while delighting your nose with a decadent aroma. This succulent recipe of nourishing and protecting sunflower, grape seed and jojoba oils combined with moisturizing and healing aloe, wheat proteins and natural sun filters develops into the perfect treat, anytime of the day. You'll never gain an ounce of fat, just one big serving of hydrating heaven! Luxe Hand Crème contains sun filters for UVA/UVB protection to maintain skin tone, while helping protect and keep hands soft, supple and younger looking.

Lip Balm .05 fl. oz. 1.5ml
Hand Crème 3.38 fl. oz. 100ml

This stuff is GREAT!!! It leaves your hands soft and smelling so good. The Lip Balm has a mirror in the lid for easy application.

Check out www.votrevu.com/melissaaustin to find out how you can purchase this item!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am excited....

I wanted to take a moment and share my excitement with you all! For the past, gosh, almost year now, I have been working from home, or atleast trying to. It isn't always easy finding a good *fit*. My first Direct Sales experience ended when the company I was working with sent out an email saying that within 7 days they would be closing their doors. Not that I had been having much luck with the company, but here I was saddled with $1000 worth of merchendise and now no way to really promote it. So it got relegated to a box in the back of my hall closet. Only to be seen on the occasion when I try to sell some of it. (It really is nice jewelry, the company just...well stunk!)

I then ventured into the world of Handmade cards. I have done fairly well, and while this definately isnt my "millionaire" idea, it is nice to make a few bucks doing what I love

For the past couple of months I have felt...dispondent. With the economy going the way it does, and the impending arrival of baby #4, I was starting to wonder if my dreams of being a SAH/WAHM were just that, dreams.

Then a wonderful opportunity fell into my lap via email. A friend of mine is a director/consultant for Votre Vu. I had been pondering the idea of joining up after watching from afar the success these members were having. But I am always afraid to take the leap that could change everything....

Well I finally took that leap. And let me tell you, I feel great about it!!! Not only are the products amazing!!! With Votre Vu, you get a supportive team behind you guiding you and ensuring your success!

As I celebrate the Grand Opening of my new business, you will be sure to see posts on products, give aways and a lot more! Be sure to check them out!

Don't worry, The Kountry Store still will be around! That is my baby. So be sure to look for spring specials as well.

Please sign up today for my free email. Once a week you will get a newsletter packed with tips, advice, sales and great freebies....

I look forward to hearing from you!!!

Snap Dragon Beauty Beverage GiveAway!!!

This delicious private blend of powerful anti aging super-fruits and botanicals features Mango, Pomegranate and Acai Berry juices. A mélange of teas (green, white, and gorgeous red) infuse some spice to your life. Seven daily vitamins plus Collagen, Aloe Vera, Foti, Ginkgo Biloba and Baobab Fiber round out this exotic beauty mix, supported by naturally safe extracts, fruits and minerals which may enhance energy. No preservatives or sugars added (you're sweet enough). Used daily, Snapdragon may help repair, restore and re-balance your body's internal systems, naturally giving your skin a radiant, beautiful glow. It may boost your overall vitality when added to your daily beauty regimen for optimal health, inside and out. Luscious and fabulously refreshing, there is not another match on the market, just like you.
GiveAway Details:

Who doesn't like to get free stuff? I know I do! Up for grabs in this give-a-way is a 2 pack of Votre Vu Snapdragon Beauty Beverage. This retails for $24.00

All you have to do is visit www.votrevu.com/melissaaustin take a look around at our products and our biz opps then comment here on what skin care product you would have to have!

On March 31, I will draw a winner at random to recieve the 2 pack of Snapdragon Beauty Beverages

2 lucky winners will recieve a goody bag filled with samples!

Check it out today


Multi-Tasking...Or lack thereof...

I used to pride myself with my seemingly endless ability to multi-task. I was the queen of multi-tasking...

That was until I had kids...

When I had just one, of course it was easy. Shower while he slept. Eat while he ate. Going out in public was easy.

Then #2 came around, it was still somewhat easy, because #1 was 4 and was pretty much self-sufficent, if he wanted a sandwich, he could make it (as well as a huge mess). And I was able to shower while he watched cartoons and #2 napped.

Then came #3 12 months and 2 weeks after the birth of #2. Ummm, yea, this whole multi-tasking thing...GONE. Shower? Heck I am lucky if I can pee without one of them getting into something. And eating...naw that is a thing of the past. Because why should mom get a hot meal when there are 3 others who need food cut up, food cooled off, more juice, a new fork....you get my drift.

Yet, I refuse to let my lack of multi-tasking slow me down in business. I work from home, although not very productively at times. And as for the multi-tasking...well one look at the mounds of reproducing laundry kinda tells all doesn't it?

Votre Vu~ Get your VU on!!~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Huge Jewelry Sale

Huge Jewelry Sale!!!
Looking for a great Mother's Day gift? Birthday or Anniversary? Check out these low prices. Most over 50% off of retail!!

Earrings: $6.00
Bracelets: $9.00
Necklaces: $12.00
Sets: $20.00

2 options for shipping: $4.80 usps priority mail or FREE thru the standard mail

Email me at maustin27@gmail.com with your order!!

The Fresh Air Fund~ Change A Child's Life~

I was recently contacted by Sara Wilson, Outreach Coordinator of The Fresh Air Fund. She asked me to help her reach out and gain some support for a wonderful organization called The Fresh Air Fund.

Here's some information about them:

I was recently contacted by Sara Wilson of The Fresh Air Fund and wanted to share this information with all of my wonderful readers!

About Fresh Air Fund
• THE FRESH AIR FUND, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2008, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada. 3,000 children also attended five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves an additional 2,000 young people each year.


Kate Brinkerhoff, Public Relations Director

(212) 897-8890

Andrea Kotuk, Andrea & Associates

(212) 353-9585
Sara Wilson, Outreach Coordinator


This Organization provides summer vacations and camps for children that may not otherwise get one

Please visit http://freshairfundcounselors.smnr.us/ for more information


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Buy one...Get one free

All Classic Homebaked Candles are now buy one get one free
Please check out the posts below to select your scent
Just 12.95+shipping for 2 candles!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Scents from the Classic Home Baked Candle Line

New delicious scents have just arrived! These candles are a soy wax blend and smell like fresh baked goodness. Just $12.95 for one or $20.00 for 2! Email me today or check out www.akountrystore.net to order

Scents are:
*Chocolate Chip Cookie
*Key Lime Pie
*Blueberry Muffin
*Lemon Cookie
*Ginger Lemongrass Scent

New Products have arrived....

Rice Pot Oil Warmer
$5.00 plus shipping

Reminiscent of an ancient earthware cooking pot, this unique oil warmer adds a worldly feel to your surroundings!

Fill the well with fragrance oil to cast an intriguing scented spell


Candle and oil not included

Monday, March 2, 2009

~Product of The Week~

This week's product of the week:

Set of 3 Flower Oil Warmers

Artistic tulip shapes cut into the bases of these oil warmers allow fun flower figures to shine on the walls

Tealights and Oil Not included

$9.95 + Shipping

Please email me if you are interested in purchasing this weeks featured product
or visit www.akountrystore.net for this and many more great deals!!

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